In a context of constrained funding of public action and increased needs for services to users, the recruitment of high-level profiles is a challenge for any decision-maker.
Moreover, navigating the public and political sphere requires an extremely advanced knowledge of these demanding and complex environments. To enhance the value of a sometimes cryptic sector, Halcyon relies on the expertise of consultants who come from and know this sector to:
- reveal the full potential of the employer brand;
- recruit and integrate visionary, ambitious and agile managers;
- optimise the organisation of structures;
- give a concrete expression to a political project.
Public organisations
Regional authorities and their satellites:
- Decision support and advisory to local executives from all levels;
- Support for their delegated management tools (semi-public companies, local public companies, mixed associations…)that can mobilise specific skills.
The State: central administration, devolved State, agencies, public institutions
Thanks to their perfect knowledge of the central and decentralised organisation, our consultants advise all levels of administrative authorities representing the State. This results in:
- an ability to bring the three public functions into dialogue with agility;
- advice guided by a pragmatic vision of each ecosystem;
- a facility to call on managerial skills.

Higher education
Facing sustained international competition between institutions, regular attempts at reorganisation and the administrative complexity of institutions, the French higher education model is today in full question. To support its democratisation while maintaining its efficiency and competitiveness, Halcyon Executive advises higher education actors to:
- maintain the level of this pillar of French excellence by considering the need for investment and the evolution of professions ;
- meet the challenges of research, a key driver of innovation and economic growth ;
- face up to international competition by implementing partnerships, programmes of excellence, and by promoting mobility and strengthening international cooperation
Public healthcare
France is facing a medical desertification and a problem of accessibility of care unseen until now. In this context, Halcyon Executive mobilises its knowledge of the territories and its capacity to rapidly take action to:
- bring together public health and administrative actors in an efficient way;
- suggest efficient links between the different public functions;
- optimise existing resources.

Social and Solidarity Economy
Founded on a principle of solidarity and social utility, the operation of SSE companies meets very specific recruitment needs. In a crowd of promising profiles, Halcyon Executive helps you target your needs in order to find the rare gem who will not only be able to adapt and participate to a particular mode of corporate governance and associative project, but also to meet the needs of technical skills and economic performance.
Thanks to its knowledge of the public and private sectors, Halcyon Executive has developed its signature capacity to bring together these two very different universes, in order to open up the professions and to accompany ambitious and visionary management teams.
Culture and creative industries
We assist all types of organisations involved in creation, heritage preservation and innovation to:

Define and strengthen their positioning and identity

Implement the governance model that best suits them

Establish their strategic planning

Ensure their long-term financial viability

Mobility industry
New mobility models are emerging, and with them sustainable development issues that must be addressed. Infrastructure needs, specific safety issues, regulatory evolutions and difficulty to recruit for operational functions, these are the often conflicting challenges on which Halcyon Executive can advise local authorities and transport operators thanks to its close links with the public sector and its knowledge of the actors and issues of regional planning.
Public and private actors are now forced to rethink their model and develop solutions that meet the challenges revealed by the energy and climate crisis.
Environment, sustainable development, energy: Halcyon Executive finds committed candidates who want to be part of these changes and accelerate the ecological transition.

Territorial development & attractiveness
With its ability to bring together the public and private sectors, Halcyon Executive supports local actors (local authorities, SMEs, MSCs, associations, universities) to help them mobilise their teams energies and skills. This close collaboration allows interaction between all the talents to identify the projects, the challenges and the priorities of each territory. A true partnership that aims at:
- an integrated and multi-sector approach, taking into account the local economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions;
- improving the quality of life in a territory and boosting its growth and attractiveness;
- assimilating projects and strengthening of social cohesion.
Development and social real estate
Lessors, developers, investors or institutions: with an evolving regulatory context, all the players in the development and social real estate sectors have to constantly adapt, and the private players who are led to intervene directly in public development issues must respond both to the requirements of the local executives who mandate them, and to the needs of the field. Strong political support, changes in financial structures and upheaval in the sector: today’s urban development is giving rise to new skills that are still rare on the market (No Net Land Take), making it essential to support their integration.

In an age of total transparency and continuous information, consumers’ level of requirements are everywhere. They present a real challenge for private companies, condition the quality level of products and services, but also influence the evolution of the professions and the skills required in this sector. Halcyon Executive advises companies in the energy, healthcare, food and luxury industries to ensure their high competitiveness and to attract and retain the best talents.

Energy is a key sector of the economy and its challenges have a direct impact on our daily lives. To meet these challenges, Halcyon Executive advises the top management teams of this sector:
- we understand the technical specificities of the required competences;
- we know about the innovations of the sector, in particular those related to renewable energies;
- we can propose diversified profiles to decompartmentalise the professions.
Health and pharmaceutical industry
Experts in healthcare and its regulation, our consultants understand the strong competition within the sector for highly sought-after scientific talent and skills. In the face of ever-changing regulations, Halcyon Executive supports healthcare players to help them grow in skills while meeting today’s societal demands.

Luxury industry
As a decisive element of France’s international reputation, the French luxury goods industry is by its very nature a very prestigious and competitive market. The executive search in the sector allows it to maintain its level of excellence and to rapidly and positively evolve to match trends and consumer needs. The talents and optimisation solutions proposed by Halcyon Executive consultants aim at maintaining the quality, exclusivity and strong impact of each House we collaborate with.
Biodiversity, climate challenges, changing consumption patterns and consumer awareness, and the emergence of new models and players: Halcyon Executive assists companies in the food-processing sector to modernise their practices, enhance their image and boost their attractiveness.

Logistics & Retail
The logistics and retail sector is faced with many challenges that require constant adaptation to remain competitive and meet customer needs while limiting its environmental impact. It must also anticipate consumer behaviour and technological developments. In this highly challenging context, Halcyon Executive uses its signature multi-sector approach to select exceptional talent, thanks in part to its ability to take ownership of its clients’ challenges.
Technological evolution and innovation directly impact our daily lives, and the boundaries between traditional industries and technological ecosystems are blurring. Artificial intelligence, Big Data, mobility and social media are taking us into a new industrial revolution that connects objects with their environment and affects productivity. This is the age of automation, and human, social and economic activities are being turned upside down. It is also an opportunity for the workforce and organisations to enter a new paradigm. They will need leaders who can exploit the potential of new technologies, consider their innovative approach, adapt a culture, and differently apprehend leadership roles and skills calibration.

Strongly impacted over the last ten years by the BRICS, the rapid evolution of logistics has caused the entire industrial footprint to evolve. Optimisation of product segments, reorganisation of distribution networks, sourcing and outsourcing have catalysed new partnership-based technological transfers and delocalisation processes. This has inevitably had an impact on the talent pool, which must meet these current emerging challenges while anticipating the next ones.
Our cross-border industrial expertise and our field orientation enable us to better support the transformations, restructurings, mergers and re-engineering of these sectors.
Finance, Banking & Insurance
Global crises, surveillance, regulatory issues, transparency and market volatility have created an ever-changing and increasingly competitive industry. Halcyon Executive seeks worldwide profiles with the ability to align shareholder and executive interests, demonstrate agility and foresight to anticipate change, and operate within increasingly tight margins.

205 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris, France
© 2023 Halcyon Executive
Copywriting by Flore Alexandre
Art Direction by Diane Alexandre
Web design by Nikos Kotsaris